
Classic revolutionizes organizational communication by fostering stronger, engaged communities. With interest-based connections, anonymity options, and enhanced productivity features, Classic creates a platform for seamless interactions in schools, workplaces, and other entities.
Mobile/Web Application
Product Design
About The Client
Our client aims to make the public service delivery system equally accessible to all the citizens with enhanced Accountability, transparency, responsiveness and inclusiveness.
Product Vision
Classic envisions transforming organizational communication by fostering stronger and more engaged communities. Through interest-based connections and the choice of anonymity, Classic empowers users within schools, workplaces, and various organizations to build meaningful relationships, enhance productivity, and create a sense of belonging.
Business Requirements
Enhanced Community Engagement
Improve and strengthen community engagement within organizations.
Anonymity and Privacy Options
Provide users with the choice of anonymity and robust privacy controls.
Productivity Enhancements
Enhance productivity in collegiate and professional environments.
User-Friendly Discoverability
Improve the ease of discovering and joining Interest Groups.
Key Targets to Achieve
Enhance Organizational Communication
Increase User Engagement and Participation
Optimize User Onboarding and Retention
Implement High Fidelity Design Principles
Promote Anonymity and Freedom of Interaction
Iterative Improvement Based on Use Cases
Technical Architecture
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Project Execution
Project Initiation
Objective: Clearly understand the vision of improving organizational communication and community-building.
Actions: Conduct a kickoff meeting with stakeholders to discuss project goals, features, and user expectations.
Define the scope and objectives of Classic, emphasizing improved community engagement and interest-based connections.
Use Case Analysis
Objective: Identify and document key user interactions and workflows through detailed use case analysis.
Actions: Collaborate with stakeholders to define user stories and scenarios, focusing on account activation, interest group discovery, and chat interactions.
Document the use cases, specifying user actions, system responses, and potential scenarios.
User Experience (UX) Design
Objective: Design an intuitive and engaging user interface for the Classic platform.
Actions: Develop wireframes and mockups based on the use cases to visualize the user journey.
Conduct usability testing to refine the design and ensure a seamless user experience.
High Fidelity Design Implementation
Objective: Transform design concepts into a fully functional and visually appealing platform.
Actions: Implement high fidelity designs incorporating unique features like interest-based connections and anonymous group chat.
Ensure the design aligns with the project's goals of improving communication and community engagement.
Backend Development
Objective: Develop a robust backend infrastructure to support user accounts, interest groups, and chat functionalities.
Actions: Utilize appropriate technologies for account activation, OTP verification, and interest group management.
Implement a secure and scalable database structure to store user data and chat interactions.
Frontend Development
Objective: Implement the frontend components based on the approved designs and user interface.
Actions: Develop responsive web and app interfaces to provide a consistent experience across devices.
Integrate frontend components with the backend, ensuring seamless data flow and real-time updates.
Testing and Quality Assurance
Objective: Ensure the platform functions accurately, securely, and meets user expectations.
Actions: Conduct thorough testing, including functional, usability, and security testing.
Address and resolve any identified issues to guarantee a reliable and bug-free user experience.
Deployment and Release
Objective: Prepare for the launch of the Classic platform.
Actions: Deploy the platform to a secure hosting environment, ensuring scalability and performance.
Monitor performance post-deployment and address any issues that may arise.
Marketing and Launch
Objective: Promote the launch of Classic to the target audience and encourage adoption.
Actions: Develop a marketing strategy highlighting the benefits of interest-based connections and improved organizational communication.
Launch the platform with targeted marketing campaigns to attract users.
Other Case Studies
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