LegalInsight: Consultation App for Law

A legal consultation platform for Law Firm in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with the use of a web application, wanted to schedule consultations with clients and even choose to have online meeting using platforms. Allow them to manage their service requests, payments, and consultations from a dashboard.
Web Application
Legal Services
Product Design
About The Client
The firm will use the platform to manage client interaction in an efficient manner as there is a digital medium to handle all requests for consultations, services and other needs. The platform shall enhance the user’s experience to interact and avail all services provided by the firm right from consultation to rest of legal services. The platform shall connect all the lawyers of a category onto a common section and will enable quicker execution of requests placed.
Product Vision
The legal profession is facing unprecedented levels of technological, regulatory and economic change. Client wanted to provide an online platform for legal business and practise the law with confidence. With our research, workflow and operations solutions, we provided the best outcomes for your clients.
Business Requirements
User Authentication and Management
Implement a user authentication system for clients and lawyers, allowing them to create accounts, log in, and manage their profiles.
Consultation Scheduling
Provide a scheduling feature that allows clients to request and schedule consultations with lawyers.
Online Meeting Integration
Integrate a platform for conducting online meetings between clients and lawyers.
Service Request Management
Allow clients to submit service requests for various legal needs.
Payments and Billing
Implement a secure payment system for clients to make payments for consultations and other legal services.
Dashboard for Client and Lawyer
Create separate dashboards for clients and lawyers, enabling them to manage their appointments, service requests, payments, and communications.
UI/UX Design
Develop an intuitive and user-friendly interface for the web application.
Price Structure and Module Planning
Define a pricing module that aligns with the services offered, including consultations and other legal services.
Technology Stack
Utilize the specified technology stack, including React JS with TypeScript for frontend, Node.js for backend, and MySQL for the database.
Analytics and Reporting
Provide insights that can help improve services and marketing efforts.
Key Targets to Achieve
Expand the client base by offering an online appointment scheduling option.
Provide a seamless and personalized experience for customers when scheduling appointments and accessing legal consultation services.
Increase customer interaction and engagement with the legal consultation firm's services.
Utilize data analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends.
Stand out from competitors by offering an efficient and convenient online appointment scheduling option.
Technical Architecture
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Project Execution
Project Initiation
Objective: Understand the client's vision and objectives for creating a legal consultation platform and scheduling system.
Actions: Conduct an initial meeting with the client to gather requirements and expectations.
Define project scope, objectives, and deliverables.
Stakeholder Alignment and Requirement Gathering
Objective: Ensure all stakeholders are aligned with the project goals and vision for the legal consultation platform.
Actions: Conduct stakeholder interviews to understand their perspectives and expectations.
Define key features, functionalities, and user experience expectations for the web application.
UI/UX Design and Development
Objective: Create an intuitive and visually appealing user interface for the web application.
Actions: Develop wireframes and mockups for the web application.
Implement UI/UX design using ReactJS with TypeScript.
Backend Development
Objective: Develop the backend logic and database structure to support the web application's functionality.
Actions: Develop backend logic using Node.js.
Design and implement the MySQL database to store client data, service requests, and consultations.
Integration of Online Meeting Platforms
Objective: Enable online meetings for consultations within the platform.
Actions: Integrate third-party online meeting platforms to facilitate virtual consultations.
Ensure seamless communication between the web application and the chosen meeting platforms.
Testing and Quality Assurance
Objective: Ensure the web application functions as intended and is free from critical defects.
Actions: Conduct thorough testing of the application, including unit, integration, and user acceptance testing.
Address and resolve any identified issues or bugs.
Deployment and Release
Objective: Launch the web application for public use.
Actions: Deploy the web application to a secure hosting environment.
Monitor performance and resolve any deployment-related issues.
Training and Onboarding
Objective: Provide training and onboarding for lawyers and staff to effectively use the platform.
Actions: Conduct training sessions to familiarize users with the platform's features and functionalities.
Iterative Development and Updates
Objective: Continuously improve and enhance the web application based on user feedback and changing requirements.
Actions: Collect user feedback and prioritize feature enhancements.
Incorporate multiple iterations within each milestone to refine the product.
Monitoring, Analytics, and Maintenance
Objective: Ensure the web application's ongoing performance, security, and functionality.
Actions: Implement monitoring tools to track application performance and usage.
Utilize analytics to gain insights into user behavior and preferences.
Provide ongoing maintenance and support for any reported issues.
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