Groundbreaking Mental Wellness App for Frontline Heroes

We developed a mobile application and admin web platform to address the mental health struggles of frontline workers, allowing them to seek support, connect with peers, and access resources. The solution, built with Flutter, Firebase, and NodeJS, includes a preliminary diagnosis tool and resources for stress, anxiety, and depression. Currently, the app supports 800 police officers with the assistance of over 600 peers in a major US state.
Mobile Application
Node JS
Product Design
About The Client
The healthcare industry heavily relies on the effective management of appointments, staff, doctors, and patients in clinics.
Product Vision
Innovating mental health support for frontline workers, our mobile application, powered by advanced diagnostics and peer connectivity, offers a compassionate space for general users to navigate and overcome trauma. With a robust admin web application, we empower supporting roles to enhance mental well-being in critical professions, fostering a community of resilience.
Business Requirements
User Authentication and Authorization
Ensure secure access and identity verification for both General Users and Peers.
Mobile Application for General Users
Provide a user-friendly mobile application for frontline workers to seek help and support.
Admin Web Application
Support roles that contribute to the overall functioning of the mental health support system.
Real-time Communication
Facilitate real-time communication between General Users and Peers.
Diagnostic Tool and Mental Health Resources
Provide tools and resources for self-assessment and coping strategies.
Data Security and Privacy
Ensure the confidentiality and privacy of user data and sensitive mental health information.
Scalability and Performance
Ensure the application can handle a growing number of users and maintain optimal performance.
Integration with External Systems
Seamless integration with external systems to enhance functionality.
Reporting and Analytics
Provide insights into system usage and effectiveness.
Key Targets to Achieve
User Engagement and Adoption
Peer Support Network Establishment
Mental Health Diagnosis Tool Utilization
Content and Resource Accessibility
Expansion to Additional Frontline Occupations and Regions
Technical Architecture
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Project Execution
Project Initiation
Objective: Understand the client's vision of building a mental health solution for frontline workers.
Actions: Conduct initial meetings with stakeholders to define project goals, objectives, and success criteria.
Create a project charter outlining the purpose, stakeholders, and key deliverables.
Requirement Gathering and User Personas Definition
Objective: Clearly define the needs of General Users, Peers, and other supporting roles.
Actions: Conduct stakeholder interviews to gather detailed requirements and expectations.
Define user personas for General Users, Peers, Balance Admin, Organization Admin, Hub Coordinator, Physicians, and Hospital Admins.
Design Prototyping and Iteration
Objective: Create an intuitive and user-friendly design for both mobile and web applications.
Actions: Develop design prototypes based on gathered requirements.
Go through multiple design iterations, incorporating feedback from potential users.
Establish a Software Requirements Specification document.
Mobile Application Development (General Users and Peers)
Objective: Implement a mobile application for General Users and Peers.
Actions: Develop the frontend using Flutter for both tab/mobile applications.
Implement Firebase as the backend, utilizing Firestore Database, Firebase Storage, and Cloud Functions.
Web Application Development (Admin Roles)
Objective: Implement an admin web application for supporting roles.
Actions: Develop the web frontend using Flutter for admin roles like Balance Admin, Organization Admin, Hub Coordinator, Physicians, and Hospital Admins.
Utilize NodeJS for backend functionalities.
Implement features specific to each admin role for efficient management and coordination.
Integration of Cloud Services
Objective: Ensure seamless integration of cloud services for scalability and reliability.
Actions: Set up Cloud Messaging for effective communication.
Utilize GCP (Google Cloud Platform) for hosting and other cloud-related services.
Testing and Quality Assurance
Objective: Ensure the application functions flawlessly and meets the required standards.
Actions: Conduct comprehensive testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing.
Address and resolve identified issues or bugs to ensure the application's reliability.
Deployment and Release
Objective: Prepare for the launch of the Mental Health Support App.
Actions: Deploy the applications to their respective hosting environments.
Monitor performance and address any deployment-related issues.
Monitoring and Continuous Improvement
Objective: Monitor the app's performance and gather user feedback for improvements.
Actions: Implement analytics tools to monitor user engagement and app performance.
Gather user feedback and conduct regular reviews for continuous improvement.
Outcome Evaluation
Objective: Evaluate the impact and success of the Mental Health Support App.
Actions:Analyze user engagement, app usage statistics, and user satisfaction.
Compare outcomes with initial success criteria to measure project success.
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